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How I accidentally threw away £107 million in bitcoin

James Howells has a fortune stashed on a hard drive. The only problem is he binned the drive a decade ago. He has assembled a crack team to recover it from landfill, if only council officials would let him...

Howells, beside the Newport Transporter Bridge over the River Usk. His treasure is believed to be buried on a landfill site on the other side
Howells, beside the Newport Transporter Bridge over the River Usk. His treasure is believed to be buried on a landfill site on the other side
The Sunday Times

For a man who has lost $40 million in the past week, James Howells seems really rather jolly. “Pah!” he says. “That’s nothing. I used to be worth half a billion. Today it’s only $130 million [£107 million], but it doesn’t bother me. If I thought about it too much I’d go crazy.”

Funny he should mention going crazy, because that’s exactly how I’d imagined him. Not just crazy, but totally barking. Mad as a box of frogs. Completely certifiable. And I’m a bit disappointed that he isn’t.

Howells, 37, is the man who famously — accidentally — threw away a computer hard drive on which was a cryptocurrency wallet containing 8,000 of the first bitcoins ever mined. When, in the summer of 2013, he