
FIA Hall of Fame

Recognizing the outstanding contributions of members of the listed and cleared derivatives community

The FIA Hall of Fame celebrates individuals in the listed and cleared derivatives industry who have made key contributions to our markets during their careers.  

FIA established the Hall of Fame in 2005 to commemorate its 50th anniversary and to celebrate the men and women who have contributed their time, talent, and passion to building our industry and impacting its members. Inductees come from both the private and public sectors, and are chosen by a distinguished panel comprised of existing FIA Hall of Fame members and global industry executives.  

Members of the Hall of Fame are selected based on their lifetime contributions to our industry with a focus on demonstrated leadership, innovative and impactful achievement, break-through accomplishment, and industry collaboration, volunteerism and dedication. 

Inductees reflect the diverse and inclusive nature of our industry and come from many different parts of the world, with unique backgrounds and experiences. One thing that unites them all, however, is a passionate determination to build strong, healthy, safe, and competitive markets. 

For this, we owe every member of the FIA Hall of Fame our gratitude. 

Hall of Fame Nominations

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FIA Hall of Fame Inductees

Patrick H. Arbor David R. Ganis John O'Brien Sr.
Dr. Fred D. Arditti John T. Geldermann Robert J. O’Brien, Sr.
Louis Moore Bacon Jeffrey Geldermann Edmund J. O’Connor
William T. Bagley Anthony George Gero William F. O’Connor
Sheila Bair Phupinder S. Gill James Oliff
Lucian Thomas Baldwin III John F. Gilmore, Jr. Patrick M. Parkinson
Anthony M. Belchambers Daniel R. Glickman Thomas Peterffy
John F. Benjamin Ralph Goldenberg Todd E. Petzel
Richard Berliand Alan Greenspan Michael G. Philipp 
Fischer S. Black William H. Gross Dr. Susan M. Phillips
Lloyd C. Blankfein George F. Haase, Jr. Andreas Preuss
Magnus Böcker Arthur Hahn Juliette Proudlove
John Boehner Thomas J. Hammond William J. Rainer
Jeffrey C. Borchardt Hal T. Hansen  Ken Raisler
Brooksley Born David Hardy Robert D. Ray
Sharon Bowen Douglas Harris Ivers W. Riley
William J. Brodsky Christopher K. Hehmeyer Julian H. Robertson, Jr.
Mary Ann Burns James F. Heinz, Jr. Leslie Rosenthal
D. Keith Campbell  John W. Henry Daniel J. Roth
Charles P. Carey Ronald M. Hersch  Thomas A. Russo
Thomas Cashman Gedon Hertshten Atsushi Saito
Fernando Centelles Chuck Hohman Jerrold E. Salzman
C. Saxby Chambliss Leslie V. Hosking Elizabeth Sam
Alger Baldwin “Duke” Chapman Nick Carew Hunt John F. ‘Jack’ Sandner
Max C. Chapman Jr. Adrian C. ‘Ace’ Israel Dr. Richard L. Sandor 
Bruce L. Cleland Paul-Andre Jacot Mary L. Schapiro
J. Robert Collins Dr. Henry Jarecki Myron Scholes
John J. Conheeney Hugo Jenkins Edmund R. Schroeder
Andrea M. Corcoran Michael N. Jenkins Gary Seevers
Robert T. Cox Philip McBride Johnson Stephen F. Selig
M. Elaine Crocker Garry Jones David R. Setters
John M. Damgard Paul Tudor Jones II  John P. Sievwright
John Davidson Celesta Jurkovich Caroline Silver
Paul Davies Leong Ka-Chai Craig F. Smithson
Michael C. Dawley Peter F. Karpen  Ng Kok Song
Eligio “Kika” de la Garza, II Jerome Kemp Steve Sparke
Richard J. Dennis Thomas A. Kloet Steven D. Spence
Gary DeWaal K.K. Kodama Michael Spencer
Thomas H. Dittmer David Krell Jürg Spillmann
Barbara S. Dixon Yoshio Kuno John H. Stassen 
Timothy J. Doar George D. F. Lamborn Steve Staszak
Senator Robert J. Dole  Jack H. Lehman III  Olof Stenhammar
Craig S. Donohue Anthony J. Leitner Lee B. Stern
Thomas R. Donovan Charles Li Howard A. Stotler
De’Ana H. Dow Victor Liew Dennis A. Suskind
Daniel Driscoll Barry J. Lind  Leslie Sutphen
William ‘Billy’ Buchanan Dunavant Jr. Bonnie Litt Kim Taylor
Michael V. Dunn John J. Lothian Margery F. Teller
Bryan T. Durkin Richard G. Lugar Jean-François Theodore
Scott Early Wayne P. Luthringshausen Ang Swee Tian
Robert G. Easton William J. Mallers, Sr. Paula A. Tosini
William R. Eckhardt Arthur R. Marcus  Kenneth G. Tropin
Marcy Engel Blythe Masters Frederick G. Uhlmann
Gay Huey Evans Rosemary T. McFadden Vincent J. Viola
Charles ‘Harry’ Falk James J. McNulty David J. Vogel
Robert B. Feduniak  Joanne Medero Wallace G. Weisenborn
W. Robert Felker  Leo Melamed  F. Helmut Weymar
Ron Filler Merton H. Miller Pat White
Robert E. Fink Yasuo Mogi Alan Whiting
Stanley Fink Laurence E. Mollner  Barbara B. Wierzynski
Jörg Fischer Robert B. Moore Jack Wigglesworth
Nick Forgan John S. Munro Brian Williamson
John L. Foyle Dennis M. Murray Robert K. Wilmouth
Jörg Franke Ravi Narain Rosalyn Wilton
Hugh Freedberg Charles P. Nastro John A. Wing
Milton Friedman Jim Newsome Benjamin Wolkowitz
Mitch R. Fulscher Ulla Nilsson Hiromi Yamaji
John G. Gaine    


2024 Inductees

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Press Releases

  • 14 February 2024
    FIA announces 2024 Hall of Fame honorees
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  • 2 February 2023
    FIA announces 2023 Hall of Fame honorees
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  • 8 March 2022
    2022 FIA Hall of Fame Inductees
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