Poll: Should charities invest more in reducing their carbon footprint?

A recent survey reveals the third sector will invest less than the public and private sectors over the next year in carbon reduction

Footprint on a Beach
Is reducing your organisation's carbon footprint high on the investment agenda for next year? Photograph: www.corbis.com/PhilSchermeister

A recent survey by the Carbon Trust, in association with the Guardian, investigated carbon reduction in the public, private and third sectors. It found that only 33% of third sector respondents will make "tangible investments" in carbon reduction technologies over the next year, compared to 59% in the public sector.

Moreover, only 18% those questioned from the third sector said their organisation incentivises employees to manage carbon and meet reduction targets, compared to 27% in the public sector and 31% in the private sector.

The financial downturn is clearly affecting charities' abilities to consider the environment, but as Oliver Balch points out in his analysis, the money saved by reducing carbon emmissions can be significant.

Should the voluntary sector, with its commitment to effecting a positive social impact, invest their vital funds in being more carbon efficient? Or could the money be better spent elsewhere as funding is simply too tight?

Should charities invest more in reducing their carbon footprint?

Yes - being environmentally friendly is important and saves money
No - funds are simply too tight to justify spending money on reducing our carbon footprint

This poll is now closed

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