Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

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NASDAQ OMX Commodities Quarterly Report For Market Surveillance - 1 July To 30 September 2012

Date 23/10/2012

Market surveillance regularly publishes reports for the previous period. Any sanctions imposed will be published after taking effect.

This report includes the period from 1 July to 30 September 2012.

Market Surveillance has during third quarter continued to have focus on activities that could give misleading signals to the market. Market Surveillance has looked into order and trading activities on the exchange and simultaneous activities OTC that combined could indicate any form of misleading activity.

Market Surveillance has also had increased focus on analysing the market development at the end of a trading day, and has especially looked into the order and trading activity in products having an unusual price development compared to the development in related products. Market Surveillance has analysed the development in these and related products to detect possible “marking the close”strategies.

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